Friday, June 26, 2015

Whole 30: Day 4 & 5

Yesterday I spoke with my mom on the phone. The one thing to know about my mom is that she means well but can be a really big bitch. Sorry mom, if you're reading this, but it's true. I explained how it was going and she asked how much I weighed.. When I said 147.5 she goes, "I just broke my 140 barrier!" She couldn't lose any weight for a long time when she hit 140. Well con-freaking-grats Mom, you weigh less than me now. She continued by asking how my boyfriend feels about my weight gain and she told me to stop drinking so much beer. Now that's love!

So after the conversation with my mother, today I looked up my BMI because, you know why not while I'm trying to lose weight? -_- I guess it was a good thing to do because it is definitely a motivator now. I used this website to find out where I fall... and it told me I was "marginally overweight." Excuse me while I go hide under my covers. This is definitely a wake up call for me.

UPDATE: So today is Day 5. And all I want is freaking crackers or popcorn or anything crunchy!!! I am beginning to feel less motivated to keep this up but I know that I need to keep doing it. There have been so many emotions I've been feeling and the book says that it's normal but some of the current events happening in my life right now are not helping. The only good thing is the timing of doing this. The book says that day 6 & 7 are "I just want to nap" days. Luckily today is Friday so I have a whole 2 days to do absolutely nothing and I will love everything.

One other thing that has been annoying is breakfast. It's so hard doing breakfast on this thing. I get up at 7:45 every morning and leave the house at 8:10. That leaves little time to cook up some fancy breakfast like this book suggests. Like a spinach frittata? Ain't nobody got time for that. I've had hardboiled eggs every morning since starting this. Tomorrow, I will scramble my eggs. Because it's the freakin weekend!

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