Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Whole30: Day 2 & 3 Update

Well everyone, I learned an important lesson yesterday: read all of the directions before trying to make something.

After work yesterday I ran to Publix and spent another $60 on groceries. Came home and began making chili with my boyfriend. I cut my thumb while chopping because I am me and that's what me does. While the chili was cooking on simmer I decided to try to make basic mayonnaise. Because apparently mayo isn't good for you and I really want to make ranch dressing. Well I saw the ingredients list and just threw them in a bowl together. Don't do that. I made the mistake and had to dump out the whole bowl because it would not get thick.

After that fail I tried banana chips because I've been craving chips or something crunchy that's not a fruit or vegetable. Well they didn't turn out awesome either. So this morning I woke up feeling pretty good. Had my three egg whites for breakfast, a good amount of grapes, then went home for lunch to have a stuffed pepper from Sunday night. Came back and ate a banana and more grapes. We're gonna try making grilled shrimp tonight or tomorrow night. I feel like I have enough leftovers I should hold off and eat some of my leftover chili or stuffed peppers to get rid of them before they go bad.

UPDATE: Well I ended up eating the leftover chili and my boyfriend ate pizza rolls and the chili. It's not even the bad stuff that I'm missing at this point. I really just want some goldfish or crackers. Something crunchy and not watery.

Before heating up my chili in the microwave so I didn't have to do more dishes, I gave it another go at the mayo. I used my roommates ninja blender and it turned out okay. So I started to make my own ranch and as I went through the directions I realized that I did not have any god damn parsley. Well I googled some substitutes for parsley and I ended up having cilantro so I used that and it did not turn out bad at all. My roommates laughed when I shouted, "Oh my god it doesn't taste that bad!" Now that I have this dressing I will start snacking on carrots. I've been snacking on fruit way too much and they specifically warn you to not over do it on the fruit.

As I prepared for this challenge I read through some sections of the book, including "The Whole30 Timeline." Day 1 was pretty accurate. I felt like this was going to be a breeze, almost on top of the world feeling like yeah I'm doing this and you're not so suck it. Well Day 2 was kinda like that... except the whole "I want something crunchy" feeling. The book suggests that Day 2 and 3 are "The Hangover" in which your body is adjusting to not having all the things you normally eat in your body. I guess I wasn't eating all that poorly because it's the end of Day 3 and I haven't experienced any of the symptoms they were saying, like headaches, fatigue, brain for, malaise, etc. Or maybe it hasn't hit me yet... -_-

The book says that Day 4 & 5 is when you want to kill everyone. Literally, they wrote that when you're treated by your significant other smiling at you you have a sudden urge to punch them in the face for being cheerful early in the morning. The book mentions that your hormones are out of whack from trying to keep up with your new food choices and your gut is starting to heal. It also mentions to eat some sweet potatoes. Interesting because the sweet potato home fries are by far my favorite!

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