Monday, June 22, 2015

Whole30 Challenge: Prep Day Recap & Day 1

Today is Day 1 of my Whole30 challenge. A friend recently finished her challenge and she lost 8lbs and said she was feeling so much better. She is sleeping better, more energized, and just all around happier. So obviously I'm going to do it. Who doesn't want to lose weight and feel better? And it's just thirty days... How hard could it be?

So I bought the book off Amazon, two-day shipping (yay prime) and got down to it. They say to read the entire book before you start but my anniversary is July 24th so obviously I'm trying to get this done before then. I skimmed the beginning part that they want you to read and immediately started a list of meals I'd like to try.

I created a meal plan with one of the handy-dandy notebooks from Michaels and started a shopping list. Yes I know I didn't include breakfast and I didn't add much variety to my lunches, but hey.. I'm doing it at least. So my boyfriend and I head over to publix and get to it! ...... $170 later we're ready to cook. Note that it's really just that expensive because I have no spices in my apartment what-so-ever. Also note that I'm not a very good cook so this is definitely a challenge for me.

So we got right into it and went home and got started with the first recipe: my lunch for the week, stuffed peppers. All I needed was 4 red, yellow, or orange peppers. Well when we were at the store the green peppers were cheaper, so obviously I went with green peppers.
I got the chopped onion, garlic, ground turkey (because I hate beef), tomato paste, cumin, chili powder, salt, pepper, and chopped up butternut squash. I skipped the kale and threw in some collard greens because I had them already for my pets. (I have a tortoise, and 2 bunnies that love them some greens!) The prep was the hardest part for me because I'm not the best multitasker. Meanwhile I'm like oh hey let's get pictures for my blog! My boyfriend wanted to shoot me. What else is new?

Long story short, my peppers looked pretty good. I packed them up and got started on my next recipe: balsamic vinaigrette. Because the Ken's brand is apparently bad for you. Ugh! So I made that and it really didn't look like the picture. I'm thinking maybe I didn't put enough mustard powder in there? It says two teaspoons so I think I did that, but now I'm questioning my memory and I think maybe I just did one? Anyway, that's set up so now I have salad dressing for my dinner tomorrow (Monday).

So I enjoy my last night before the challenge with a nice Kona Big Wave beer and two slices of pizza. What a way to go out! This morning I woke up and got down to it. Before I hopped in the shower I took these pictures... And I did my official weigh in at a grand total of 147.5. Now some people will be like what the hell why are you trying to lose weight if you weigh under 150? Well if you see the picture you'll understand. But also you need to get this: I grew up playing sports. When I went to college I stopped playing sports and now I've been out of it for so long that I hate physical activity. When I turned 21 I did Tough Mudder and trained for that for about 6 months. I do better when I have a goal in mind. Since Tough Mudder I haven't had anything to motivate me enough until I saw this weigh-in. So while this picture isn't pretty (and I covered my face), it's my motivation.

Today I ate 3 egg whites for breakfast, because I hate yolks. A little before lunch I had a peach and then took my lunch break and went home to eat one of my stuffed peppers. It was actually pretty good, probably tasted better straight out of the oven, but beggars can't be choosers. So I went back to work, I live 2 minutes from my office, and had an apple later in the day. Left work to go pick up my new bunny from the vet where he got a lot of medicine and headed home. Now normally I would leave the vet and call my boyfriend and be like hey I'm picking up a pizza I'll be home soon. I waited til my boyfriend came home and we ate together. He had leftover pizza and I had collard greens with my balsamic dressing. Note that while my boyfriend is not doing this challenge with me because he weighs a whole 135 soaking wet, he has been super supportive. He helped me cut up ingredients and has been rooting me on. I feel like I'm going to get a little hungry before bed but I'll have some more salad or a piece of fruit for a snack. Besides that I think I've survived my first day of Whole30! Yay!

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