Monday, April 13, 2015

4 Things to Discuss Before Getting a Pet With Your SO

You and your SO have been together for three years and while you're not ready to tie the knot, buy a house, and have babies, you think you're ready for the next step: getting a pet. I'm gonna be honest right now and let you all know that I am a bunny person. I like dogs and I don't like cats. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my friends' cat pictures on Facebook & Insta. They crack me up but just don't ask me to watch it when you're out of town visiting your parents. So let's say you and your SO want to adopt a dog. It's definitely not a baby, but it sure as hell takes up as much of your time as a baby! I have 4 things to remind you before you go out and buy that puppy you've been dying to get:
  1. What if you break up? No one in a relationship wants to think about breaking up but it could happen. And if it happens, what's going to happen to your beloved pet? Are you going to have her on weekends and she gets her during the week? This is serious stuff to talk about. While it's an uncomfortable subject, it's a must have convo between you and your SO. Just sit down and go over everything logistically. If you were to break up, how would you handle the animal you've promised to take care of?
  2. Do you party? Again, pets are like babies. You can't be away from them all day at work and then go out and stay out with friends. If you honestly think that you have enough time to take care of a pet and their needs, then go for it. But you should really consider how often you are home, and if you even live in a home. I've lived in apartments where there are weight restrictions, breed restrictions, and unfortunately "rodent" restrictions. So picture yourself a year from now: will you and your SO be living in an apartment?
  3. Are you footing the bill? A huge thing to consider is the price you'll pay with having a pet. Who's going to foot the bill when it comes time to adopt, neuter, or take care of them when they're sick? This is a serious conversation you should have with your SO before you go out and adopt. I had two friends who were dating and they bought a dog together. They weren't living together and their parents didn't know they were dating. They eventually broke up, got back together, broke up, got back together, and I believe they're still broken up? But who really knows. Needless to say, the one who didn't get to keep the dog wanted to get compensated for the money she paid for the dog to go to the vet. If you're in a committed relationship and considering a pet, straighten the financials out first and consider the chance of breaking up.
  4. "It's your turn to walk her." Talk about the responsibilities of having a pet before you go buy yours. Neither of you are going to want to take the puppy out for a walk at 5 in the morning, but guess what: someone has to or you'll be doing clean up duty. Talk about who is going to walk the dog, who is going to feed the dog, and who will take the dog to the vet. Not to mention going over house rules. You might not care if the dog lays on the couch with you while you binge on Netflix, but your SO might not be a fan. Talk about it before the argument starts.
Getting a pet could be a great step for you and your SO, if you're both ready and have discussed all possible situations. And don't think it will be easy. Having a pet is like having a baby only pets always stay cute... babies not so much. Be ready to compromise and work things out for the best options for your furry friend. You'll get in an argument once or twice, but talking through every scenario with your SO can help prevent more from happening. After talking to your SO about the four things we just went over, if you still think you're ready, have at it. And remember: adopt, don't shop.

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