Tuesday, April 21, 2015

7 Things We Can All Learn From Richard Branson

If you live anywhere besides under a rock you have at least heard of Richard Branson. The English businessman best known for starting Virgin Group. Branson’s net worth is nearly $5 BILLION. If you’re into business and reading blogs his is a must, read here. For those of us who know enough about Branson, we know that he is witty, sarcastic, and very original. 

  1. You don’t need a routine. Branson is known for not having one. Be sure to take a few breaks throughout your day to reward yourself for finishing milestones. By doing this, you will feel less stressed and way more accomplished.
  2. Be reckless. You need to make some risks in order to gain rewards because success rarely comes when you play it safe. Don’t be afraid to ask for that raise, venture off into a project you really want, or invest money in something you believe will succeed.
  3. Make mistakes. How did you learn to ride your bike? You fell… a lot if you’re like me. But that’s how you learned. We’re all human and we can’t expect to be perfect all of the time. The best way to learn is to learn through mistakes. So break a few rules, don’t be the status quo.
  4. Being Savvy trumps an education. You can go to school for 20 years, but it you are not savvy, you’re not going to make it far. Now I’m not saying you should drop out of school, but education is not everything. So don't stress when you get the grade you weren't expecting, just brush it off and move on.
  5. Always say yes. Within reasoning, you should never turn down an opportunity to advance. Don’t go doing anything illegal, but take every chance you have to learn something new, visit somewhere you’ve always wanted to go, and take challenges head on. It's chances like these that make us who we are and help us get to where we want to go.
  6. Don’t get comfortable. Just because you succeed at one thing doesn’t mean you’ll succeed in the next. In Branson’s book, Like A Virgin, he states, ”There’s an inherent danger in letting people think that they have perfected something. When they believe they've 'nailed it', most people tend to sit back and rest on their laurels while countless others will be laboring furiously to better their work!” This is so so so so so true. If you take a break… someone is always going to be right behind you.
  7. Enjoy the ride. If you don’t love what you’re doing then you need to move on. Life is so short to be doing anything that doesn’t make you 100% happy. If Richard Branson had stuck with staying in college and doing what he didn’t want to do he wouldn’t even be a quarter of how successful he is now. 

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