Friday, June 26, 2015

Whole 30: Day 4 & 5

Yesterday I spoke with my mom on the phone. The one thing to know about my mom is that she means well but can be a really big bitch. Sorry mom, if you're reading this, but it's true. I explained how it was going and she asked how much I weighed.. When I said 147.5 she goes, "I just broke my 140 barrier!" She couldn't lose any weight for a long time when she hit 140. Well con-freaking-grats Mom, you weigh less than me now. She continued by asking how my boyfriend feels about my weight gain and she told me to stop drinking so much beer. Now that's love!

So after the conversation with my mother, today I looked up my BMI because, you know why not while I'm trying to lose weight? -_- I guess it was a good thing to do because it is definitely a motivator now. I used this website to find out where I fall... and it told me I was "marginally overweight." Excuse me while I go hide under my covers. This is definitely a wake up call for me.

UPDATE: So today is Day 5. And all I want is freaking crackers or popcorn or anything crunchy!!! I am beginning to feel less motivated to keep this up but I know that I need to keep doing it. There have been so many emotions I've been feeling and the book says that it's normal but some of the current events happening in my life right now are not helping. The only good thing is the timing of doing this. The book says that day 6 & 7 are "I just want to nap" days. Luckily today is Friday so I have a whole 2 days to do absolutely nothing and I will love everything.

One other thing that has been annoying is breakfast. It's so hard doing breakfast on this thing. I get up at 7:45 every morning and leave the house at 8:10. That leaves little time to cook up some fancy breakfast like this book suggests. Like a spinach frittata? Ain't nobody got time for that. I've had hardboiled eggs every morning since starting this. Tomorrow, I will scramble my eggs. Because it's the freakin weekend!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Whole30: Day 2 & 3 Update

Well everyone, I learned an important lesson yesterday: read all of the directions before trying to make something.

After work yesterday I ran to Publix and spent another $60 on groceries. Came home and began making chili with my boyfriend. I cut my thumb while chopping because I am me and that's what me does. While the chili was cooking on simmer I decided to try to make basic mayonnaise. Because apparently mayo isn't good for you and I really want to make ranch dressing. Well I saw the ingredients list and just threw them in a bowl together. Don't do that. I made the mistake and had to dump out the whole bowl because it would not get thick.

After that fail I tried banana chips because I've been craving chips or something crunchy that's not a fruit or vegetable. Well they didn't turn out awesome either. So this morning I woke up feeling pretty good. Had my three egg whites for breakfast, a good amount of grapes, then went home for lunch to have a stuffed pepper from Sunday night. Came back and ate a banana and more grapes. We're gonna try making grilled shrimp tonight or tomorrow night. I feel like I have enough leftovers I should hold off and eat some of my leftover chili or stuffed peppers to get rid of them before they go bad.

UPDATE: Well I ended up eating the leftover chili and my boyfriend ate pizza rolls and the chili. It's not even the bad stuff that I'm missing at this point. I really just want some goldfish or crackers. Something crunchy and not watery.

Before heating up my chili in the microwave so I didn't have to do more dishes, I gave it another go at the mayo. I used my roommates ninja blender and it turned out okay. So I started to make my own ranch and as I went through the directions I realized that I did not have any god damn parsley. Well I googled some substitutes for parsley and I ended up having cilantro so I used that and it did not turn out bad at all. My roommates laughed when I shouted, "Oh my god it doesn't taste that bad!" Now that I have this dressing I will start snacking on carrots. I've been snacking on fruit way too much and they specifically warn you to not over do it on the fruit.

As I prepared for this challenge I read through some sections of the book, including "The Whole30 Timeline." Day 1 was pretty accurate. I felt like this was going to be a breeze, almost on top of the world feeling like yeah I'm doing this and you're not so suck it. Well Day 2 was kinda like that... except the whole "I want something crunchy" feeling. The book suggests that Day 2 and 3 are "The Hangover" in which your body is adjusting to not having all the things you normally eat in your body. I guess I wasn't eating all that poorly because it's the end of Day 3 and I haven't experienced any of the symptoms they were saying, like headaches, fatigue, brain for, malaise, etc. Or maybe it hasn't hit me yet... -_-

The book says that Day 4 & 5 is when you want to kill everyone. Literally, they wrote that when you're treated by your significant other smiling at you you have a sudden urge to punch them in the face for being cheerful early in the morning. The book mentions that your hormones are out of whack from trying to keep up with your new food choices and your gut is starting to heal. It also mentions to eat some sweet potatoes. Interesting because the sweet potato home fries are by far my favorite!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Whole30 Challenge: Prep Day Recap & Day 1

Today is Day 1 of my Whole30 challenge. A friend recently finished her challenge and she lost 8lbs and said she was feeling so much better. She is sleeping better, more energized, and just all around happier. So obviously I'm going to do it. Who doesn't want to lose weight and feel better? And it's just thirty days... How hard could it be?

So I bought the book off Amazon, two-day shipping (yay prime) and got down to it. They say to read the entire book before you start but my anniversary is July 24th so obviously I'm trying to get this done before then. I skimmed the beginning part that they want you to read and immediately started a list of meals I'd like to try.

I created a meal plan with one of the handy-dandy notebooks from Michaels and started a shopping list. Yes I know I didn't include breakfast and I didn't add much variety to my lunches, but hey.. I'm doing it at least. So my boyfriend and I head over to publix and get to it! ...... $170 later we're ready to cook. Note that it's really just that expensive because I have no spices in my apartment what-so-ever. Also note that I'm not a very good cook so this is definitely a challenge for me.

So we got right into it and went home and got started with the first recipe: my lunch for the week, stuffed peppers. All I needed was 4 red, yellow, or orange peppers. Well when we were at the store the green peppers were cheaper, so obviously I went with green peppers.
I got the chopped onion, garlic, ground turkey (because I hate beef), tomato paste, cumin, chili powder, salt, pepper, and chopped up butternut squash. I skipped the kale and threw in some collard greens because I had them already for my pets. (I have a tortoise, and 2 bunnies that love them some greens!) The prep was the hardest part for me because I'm not the best multitasker. Meanwhile I'm like oh hey let's get pictures for my blog! My boyfriend wanted to shoot me. What else is new?

Long story short, my peppers looked pretty good. I packed them up and got started on my next recipe: balsamic vinaigrette. Because the Ken's brand is apparently bad for you. Ugh! So I made that and it really didn't look like the picture. I'm thinking maybe I didn't put enough mustard powder in there? It says two teaspoons so I think I did that, but now I'm questioning my memory and I think maybe I just did one? Anyway, that's set up so now I have salad dressing for my dinner tomorrow (Monday).

So I enjoy my last night before the challenge with a nice Kona Big Wave beer and two slices of pizza. What a way to go out! This morning I woke up and got down to it. Before I hopped in the shower I took these pictures... And I did my official weigh in at a grand total of 147.5. Now some people will be like what the hell why are you trying to lose weight if you weigh under 150? Well if you see the picture you'll understand. But also you need to get this: I grew up playing sports. When I went to college I stopped playing sports and now I've been out of it for so long that I hate physical activity. When I turned 21 I did Tough Mudder and trained for that for about 6 months. I do better when I have a goal in mind. Since Tough Mudder I haven't had anything to motivate me enough until I saw this weigh-in. So while this picture isn't pretty (and I covered my face), it's my motivation.

Today I ate 3 egg whites for breakfast, because I hate yolks. A little before lunch I had a peach and then took my lunch break and went home to eat one of my stuffed peppers. It was actually pretty good, probably tasted better straight out of the oven, but beggars can't be choosers. So I went back to work, I live 2 minutes from my office, and had an apple later in the day. Left work to go pick up my new bunny from the vet where he got a lot of medicine and headed home. Now normally I would leave the vet and call my boyfriend and be like hey I'm picking up a pizza I'll be home soon. I waited til my boyfriend came home and we ate together. He had leftover pizza and I had collard greens with my balsamic dressing. Note that while my boyfriend is not doing this challenge with me because he weighs a whole 135 soaking wet, he has been super supportive. He helped me cut up ingredients and has been rooting me on. I feel like I'm going to get a little hungry before bed but I'll have some more salad or a piece of fruit for a snack. Besides that I think I've survived my first day of Whole30! Yay!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

20 Things I Said While Watching Game of Thrones For The First Time

If you're like me, you simply do not get the obsession your boyfriend and friends have with Game of Thrones. I decided I would sit down and watch an episode with my boyfriend today... Needless to say, I was lost. Here's 20 things I said during the episode, each one annoying the shit out of him.
  1. Wait, what did he just say?
  2. What the hell is she wearing?
  3. What's going on?
  4. Pause it, I have to go pee!
  5. Wait, what's going on?
  6. There's a midget?!
  7. Are there any other girls?
  8. Why are we laughing?
  9. Why is he so old??
  10. Who died?
  11. What's going on?
  12. What's the wall?
  13. Who is he?
  14. What?
  15. Who?
  16. What language is he speaking?
  17. Is that guy dead?
  18. What was that?
  19. EW!
  20. Is it over?
If my boyfriend still loves me after sitting through that show with me, I think we'll make it.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

7 Things We Can All Learn From Richard Branson

If you live anywhere besides under a rock you have at least heard of Richard Branson. The English businessman best known for starting Virgin Group. Branson’s net worth is nearly $5 BILLION. If you’re into business and reading blogs his is a must, read here. For those of us who know enough about Branson, we know that he is witty, sarcastic, and very original. 

  1. You don’t need a routine. Branson is known for not having one. Be sure to take a few breaks throughout your day to reward yourself for finishing milestones. By doing this, you will feel less stressed and way more accomplished.
  2. Be reckless. You need to make some risks in order to gain rewards because success rarely comes when you play it safe. Don’t be afraid to ask for that raise, venture off into a project you really want, or invest money in something you believe will succeed.
  3. Make mistakes. How did you learn to ride your bike? You fell… a lot if you’re like me. But that’s how you learned. We’re all human and we can’t expect to be perfect all of the time. The best way to learn is to learn through mistakes. So break a few rules, don’t be the status quo.
  4. Being Savvy trumps an education. You can go to school for 20 years, but it you are not savvy, you’re not going to make it far. Now I’m not saying you should drop out of school, but education is not everything. So don't stress when you get the grade you weren't expecting, just brush it off and move on.
  5. Always say yes. Within reasoning, you should never turn down an opportunity to advance. Don’t go doing anything illegal, but take every chance you have to learn something new, visit somewhere you’ve always wanted to go, and take challenges head on. It's chances like these that make us who we are and help us get to where we want to go.
  6. Don’t get comfortable. Just because you succeed at one thing doesn’t mean you’ll succeed in the next. In Branson’s book, Like A Virgin, he states, ”There’s an inherent danger in letting people think that they have perfected something. When they believe they've 'nailed it', most people tend to sit back and rest on their laurels while countless others will be laboring furiously to better their work!” This is so so so so so true. If you take a break… someone is always going to be right behind you.
  7. Enjoy the ride. If you don’t love what you’re doing then you need to move on. Life is so short to be doing anything that doesn’t make you 100% happy. If Richard Branson had stuck with staying in college and doing what he didn’t want to do he wouldn’t even be a quarter of how successful he is now. 

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Lilly For Target Killed the Internet #LillyForTarget

It's no surprise, really, that Lilly Pulitzer for Target's launch was an epic fail. With the vast majority of women in the United States' constant need to be up to date on fashion and status quo, a big brand name like Lilly Pulitzer is the girl on a budgets' wet dream. I say this because I am one of those women. I have been sitting in my boyfriend's basement on my laptop and phone for going on 4 and a half hours waiting for this new line to launch. With blood pressures high and wallets wide open, women are still sitting at their computers constantly refreshing their pages. While my boyfriend might be mad at me tomorrow morning for the sleepless night, I will hopefully be a proud owner of a new Lilly for Target dress.

Why all the haters? It's understandable that women who are die-hard Lilly fans are pissed at all of us "simple people" wanting to own one. They spend their money the way that they think is right and they think we're tacky. I'll tell you one thing though, I am a frugal buyer because that is the way my mother raised me. Yes, I could go out and spend 4 days pay to buy an over-the-top expensive-ass dress... but where's the fun in that when I could get 4 for the same price?

So ladies who are stalking Facebook, Twitter, and the Target website with constant CTRL + R's, keep calm and carry on. And to all the haters making fun of us for doing this? Bye Felicia.

Update: Got a confirmation email for the Lilly Pulitzer for Target Women's Fringe Kimono Jacket, Lilly Pulitzer for Target Women's Gold Sandals, and Lilly Pulitzer for Target Gold Plated Giraffe Flask. Success.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

The Best Dates for Summer

Summer is the absolute best time to fall in like or love. There is so much for you to do with your significant other, or potential love interest. This list has the best dates for the summer for every category. Just met this person and want to get to know them? Been dating for forever and need to switch it up? Not sure if you like this person but want to get a group together? 

Amusement Park. By far the best date to go on, especially if you are just starting to get to know each other! Pay at the gate or ahead of time and you can buy your own ticket if you are just starting out (so no one feels pressure). Between the roller coasters, the people watching, the snack foods and shows, theres so much fun to be had. Not to mention the waiting lines — a great way to get to know more about each other while being casual. If you go to a park with water rides, it’s a fun way to cool off in the summer heat. All in all, this would be my number one date spot. You can venture out just you and your love interest, or get a group to go together so it doesn’t feel so personal. 

Planetarium. If you're looking for a way to throw down the mojo, a planetarium is where it’s at! Nothing is more romantic than a night viewing the stars. But sometimes in the summer it can get unbearably hot and sticky; the planetarium is a great alternative. It’s a great way to hold hands, sit in the dark, and cool off from the hot sun. A few planetariums I’ve been to host a nightly  sky show where it shows you how to spot the constellations that night. Take your day-date and turn it into a date-night after the planetarium trip!

Bowling. Yeah, yeah I know it’s a typical date idea but seriously… when was the last time you went bowling? Or better question: have you ever left a bowling trip not happy? It’s a cheap date and is a great way to have a one-on-one conversation or bring another couple along to make it a competition. 

Arcade. Talk about a blast from the past! Who doesn’t love arcades? There are so many games to be played, and you can win some fun things these days. My personal favorites are whack-a-mole and ski-ball. Whatever your favorites are, the arcade is a perfect way to show your date that you’re fun and are up for whatever! Some arcades are located on the beach or in fun locations where you can use it as an excuse to make your date go longer!

Putt-Putt. For those of us on a budget putt-putt, or miniature golf, is a great and cheap date. Neither parties need to be good at putt-putt, I mean who really is good at putt-putt? And if they are good, is that some kind of accomplishment? Putt-Putt is a great way to have one-on-one conversations to get to know someone better and see if you’re up for another date.

Nature Preserve. If you are looking for something a little more intimate, take a trip to a local state park or nature preserve. These are a great way to walk around and have a quiet, uninterrupted discussion. If you want to step it up a notch you can pack a lunch and have a picnic. Soak in the nature and get some one-on-one time.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Scarves: The How-To For The Unfashionable Souls

Grab your phone. Okay, now go onto your Pinterest app. Yes, we all know you still have Pinterest on your phone because guess what: we all have it. Okay now type in Scarves. Holy shit right? When you search it you would think that Pinterest is solely made for people posting photos of scarves. I can tell you one thing, I am not naturally fashionable. I have to search just about everything before I buy or wear any outfit because I have an irrational fear that it will look stupid. Oh don't act like you don't think like this too. So for the unfashionable souls who always wanted to wear a scarf but can never seem to get it right, this one's for you.

Before I start, let me just tell you that I'm showing you how to wear a scarf on your neck, none of that head bullshit. Just a forewarning.

Scarves come in not only different materials, but different shapes. It's important to match the shape and material with the style you want to create. You can't just go out in a T-shirt wearing a thick wool scarf. You'll look dumb.

The square scarf comes in different dimensions and can come in any material really. Most common for square scarves are silk, cotton, wool and linen. My personal favorite is the basic loop with the square scarves. Just fold the square in half to make a triangle. pull two thirds around the back of your neck and continue to loop the longer side around the front and over your shoulder. Adjust as needed.

The infinity scarf is a big ole' loop. Made of cotton, wool, and sometimes fur, the infinity is a great accessory for the fall and winter looks. You can wear an infinity, or loop scarf, by just putting your head through the loop. If it's extra long, you can double loop it. Not a fan of the chunky look? No problem. You can tie a loop scarf around your neck by pulling one end through the other. I call this the "pull through" method. If you're into the head stuff, you can wear your loop on your head like a hood. I can only imagine doing this if I was super cold.

The most common scarf I've found is the rectangle. This goes with honestly anything. From jeans to trousers to skirts and dresses. Match it up with a cute moto jacket or just with your t-shirt (as long as its lightweight). So how can you wear this rectangle scarf?

  • The cowboy. Literally, wrap it around your neck like a cowboy would. Pull on the front of your scarf to create the triangle look and go all Walker Texas Ranger on their asses. 
  • The braid. Tie a basic knot in your scarf, leaving enough room for you to slip it over your head. Turn your scarf so that there are three parts to braid with. Once you have the three parts, begin braiding. Let the ends of the braid fall lose and throw it over your head. You can have the braid on the left or right side of your body, whichever you prefer. The skinnier the scarf, the tighter the braid will turn out.
  • The Quick Knot. Put the scarf around your neck and have one side longer than the other. Wrap the long side closely around your neck, keeping the ends uneven. Tie the ends in a knot and place the knot to the side a tad. Wa-La!
  • The Bow. This is so cute, but I cannot pull it off. Start by making one side bigger than the other. Taking the long side, make a loop to hide the end, making an upward movement. Hold the middle of the loop and take the shorter side of the scarf and wrap it around the loop-turned-bow. Bring the shorter side around the bow and through the middle. Once the scarf comes out the other side, pull it to make it tighter and arrange to your liking.
  • The Shimmy. This one is a little difficult but turns out very nice. Drape the scarf around your neck with the ends behind you. Take the ends and cross them, bringing them to the front of your body. Create a twist with the drape and place the right hanging end through the opening. Take the left side and do the same. Tighten your knots by shimming them up until you like where it's at.
You can always go original with the wrap around and the ends hanging in your front. That's usually my go-to, especially when I'm in a rush to get to work. One thing I've learned from reading fashion blogs is that it's not going to look right unless you work it. So go on and try on your scarf with these new looks and get out there! Have fun and don't be afraid to try something new! What other cute tutorials have you seen for wearing scarves?

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Your Closet: Hang or Fold?

I never really thought about the science of hanging clothes in your closet until I moved in with my boyfriend. Since he was little, his mom always hung up all of his shirts... Even his T shirts that have holes in them and are strictly for when he's working in the shop. I don't get it, but apparently some people do that. So I read up on the topic to find out what is politically correct to hang. Martha Stewart must have learned a thing or two in jail, because she has it down to a T.

First off, if you're lucky enough to be able to afford to get most of your clothes dry cleaned, make sure you take them out of the plastic bag that they always put them in. Use a garment bag if you're really worried about them.

Shirts, blouses, basically anything made 100% cotton, linen, and rayon should stay hung in your closet. One of your blouses a button up? Make sure you keep the top button closed so the color stays intact. Any T-shirts can be stretched out by hangers, so you should really fold them. There are so many tutorials on how to fold shirts, it's actually mind blowing.

Have a dress or going-out outfit made of silk, satin, or any other delicates? You should use padded hangers. This upsets me because of my constant need to have matching hangers. Luckily for me, I don't own anything delicate. If you have a lightweight gown from a wedding or prom, hang them by their loops to save their shape.

What about your pants... Half of mine are folded while the other half are hanging. My work pants are always hung by their waist. But I read that you can also clip them at the hem. I'm not a fan of folding them in half and over the hanger, but hey if that's your cup of tea then you go for it. Anything made of rugged material like jeans can be folded. For your skirts, you can use moveable clip hangers to fit whatever size and style you own. I'm personally a fan of the high-waisted. If you hate when the fabric gets indentations, try putting a piece of tissue paper between your garment and the clip. It works wonders.

For your outerwear, Martha suggests keeping them on curved suit hangers. I live in Florida where the heaviest jacket I wear is my high school Northface. Speaking of colder weather clothing... any knitwear can be folded as they don't usually wrinkle. That means any knitted pants, dresses, or sweaters can be taken down from your hangers.

I never really thought about it but if you have a silk nightgown, you should hang it like a dress. I've never owned a silk nightgown but if you can rock it, then you go girl! And don't forget to store your undies and bras in a drawer. Don't hang them... it's just weird, kinda like hanging your hole-y T-shirts.

Monday, April 13, 2015

4 Things to Discuss Before Getting a Pet With Your SO

You and your SO have been together for three years and while you're not ready to tie the knot, buy a house, and have babies, you think you're ready for the next step: getting a pet. I'm gonna be honest right now and let you all know that I am a bunny person. I like dogs and I don't like cats. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my friends' cat pictures on Facebook & Insta. They crack me up but just don't ask me to watch it when you're out of town visiting your parents. So let's say you and your SO want to adopt a dog. It's definitely not a baby, but it sure as hell takes up as much of your time as a baby! I have 4 things to remind you before you go out and buy that puppy you've been dying to get:
  1. What if you break up? No one in a relationship wants to think about breaking up but it could happen. And if it happens, what's going to happen to your beloved pet? Are you going to have her on weekends and she gets her during the week? This is serious stuff to talk about. While it's an uncomfortable subject, it's a must have convo between you and your SO. Just sit down and go over everything logistically. If you were to break up, how would you handle the animal you've promised to take care of?
  2. Do you party? Again, pets are like babies. You can't be away from them all day at work and then go out and stay out with friends. If you honestly think that you have enough time to take care of a pet and their needs, then go for it. But you should really consider how often you are home, and if you even live in a home. I've lived in apartments where there are weight restrictions, breed restrictions, and unfortunately "rodent" restrictions. So picture yourself a year from now: will you and your SO be living in an apartment?
  3. Are you footing the bill? A huge thing to consider is the price you'll pay with having a pet. Who's going to foot the bill when it comes time to adopt, neuter, or take care of them when they're sick? This is a serious conversation you should have with your SO before you go out and adopt. I had two friends who were dating and they bought a dog together. They weren't living together and their parents didn't know they were dating. They eventually broke up, got back together, broke up, got back together, and I believe they're still broken up? But who really knows. Needless to say, the one who didn't get to keep the dog wanted to get compensated for the money she paid for the dog to go to the vet. If you're in a committed relationship and considering a pet, straighten the financials out first and consider the chance of breaking up.
  4. "It's your turn to walk her." Talk about the responsibilities of having a pet before you go buy yours. Neither of you are going to want to take the puppy out for a walk at 5 in the morning, but guess what: someone has to or you'll be doing clean up duty. Talk about who is going to walk the dog, who is going to feed the dog, and who will take the dog to the vet. Not to mention going over house rules. You might not care if the dog lays on the couch with you while you binge on Netflix, but your SO might not be a fan. Talk about it before the argument starts.
Getting a pet could be a great step for you and your SO, if you're both ready and have discussed all possible situations. And don't think it will be easy. Having a pet is like having a baby only pets always stay cute... babies not so much. Be ready to compromise and work things out for the best options for your furry friend. You'll get in an argument once or twice, but talking through every scenario with your SO can help prevent more from happening. After talking to your SO about the four things we just went over, if you still think you're ready, have at it. And remember: adopt, don't shop.